Friday, March 16, 2012


This band is great and the video is even better!!

have a great weekend.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Day Dolly Was Born

I am sure many of you have had this day marked on your calendar all year, this is the day 15 years ago a Scottish scientist cloned a sheep. Dolly. 

Although Dolly is now dead, and has been for 9 years, this was a big day for the scientific community. For me this day encompassed two things, my two favorite subjects, Recess and Lunch..I was in 4th grade so sheep, much less cloned ones, were not on my mind. To busy trading Pokemon cards.

Now if your thinking to yourself "Hmm...cloned sheep that would be cool if I could be cloned" Stop, Dolly died from lung failure at the age of 6. I guess sometimes the best person at playing god is, well, God.

Insert Nerd with Sheep & Over Sized Glasses.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Day Enron Ended

On this day back in 2004 Enron's CEO was charged with fraud and sent to prison for 21 years for a bit of shady accounting, after my current Accounting class I could tell you why but that would probably interest you about as much as a good twilight novel.

So rather than do that I thought I would post great hair style I found.
Happy Sunday.

Great new band to check out, Of Monsters & Men.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Kosovo Independence Day

Now this is a Prank I can appreciate.

As you can tell I'm back. short update.

5. I now have a dog named thunder horse. I'll post a picture of the little guy soon.
4.  I'm taking Intermediate Accounting online. I would relate the experience to watching Hostel.
3. Yes I did graduate this last May with a Business degree in Finance.
2. I work at a large regional bank as a personal banker. call me Super Banker or SB for short.
1. I still have a super hot girlfriend. Super HOT.
0. I live in a one bedroom apartment without tivo.
-1. I'm glad to be back!

Have a killer weekend.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Pulling a fast one...

The Fantasy Football Season officially kicked off last night with the Packers and Saints. Notice how I didn't say the NFL season, well it is my belief that most people now watch football a little more for the fantasy team aspect than "Their Team," I mean who is really a fan of the Titans anyway...BUT we all have (or lust after those who have) Chris Johnson on their team.

I have written a ton of blogs to be posted but not a single one has been good enough for you, ( my readers) and/or I just haven't finished them.

Some things to check out and be blogged about later...

Charlie Sheen has a Movie coming out ( yes I could stop here but there's MORE)
That nut ball with all the kids show is finally canceled and she is going to have to go back to work...oooo bummer...(my level of sympathy is very low on this one)
Lil Wayne and Jay-Z both released new fantastic albums

I would provide more creative banter and insightful writing but it's lunch stomach takes precedence this time!!

 Dream Team Huh?


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This guy makes daft punk cool

I normally dont and wont make a habit of posting videos on here, but there is a site that I visit almost everyday called This video was on there, and its pretty dang cool.

Make sure you have sound before watching it! Enjoy!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Back on the blog horse...

I know it has been a while and I’m not even going to draw you back in with promises of many more blogs, in reality this will be come more of a weekly occurrence, life is just to busy to try for much more at this time. Okay, a bit of an update on where the author of this very esteemed blog has been up to. I have moved into a new place (moving is like watching Jon Stamos on Full House, you don’t want to do it but you just have to because that’s life) The new apartment I moved into should be awesome but I currently have no living room due to the piles of boxes and the kitchen is, well the size of Nicholas Cages tax bill after the IRS came knocking.) The other major change is a new job! I am an Accountant now, yes, I have cubical full of stacks of Bank Reconciliations and Income Statements. I think I dream about excel at night, but the company I work for is awesome as are the people I work with, so I cant really ask for more! (Well maybe Fridays off and to actually leave at 5, but beggars cant be choosers)

Other than these changes everything else is the same, Obama is still trying to help “Everyone”, Lebron still lives in South Beach with his talents, and Abilene is still auditing for “The glimpse of Hell award”, yesterday was 37 days of 100+ degree weather this year. 

 Have a great weekend

Monday, July 4, 2011

The New Job

I have been and sadly may continue to be on blogging hiatus...I have a new job! Yes, that's great but because of this new joy in my life I have less time for all you blog readers out there.

Just an update..

The new job is great, I am learning so much and meeting so many new people. The company I work for could not be better (well if we were able to wear flipflops and listen to lil wayne at work maybe)..In the rest of the world, summer is great..lots of sun and fun..

In other news there is a new True Blood, Weeds, and The Big C on television, and soon Big Brother 13 and the final season of Entourage will be on as well! I know that you guys are all as excited about these events as I am. If you are in need of a new show I always recommend True Blood. This season is no different!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Canada...The Land of the Socialist...

That's where I am right now, I found a way to make it Auto Post while I am off and far away from all things Internet...

Like I said, I'm in Canada with my family on one last family vacation! When I heard that we were off to Canada I did what I always do..Hit up Wikipedia..Here are a few interesting/cool things I found out about or neighbors to the north.

Vancouver initially existed for one sole purpose and that is GOLD, the entire area was full of people looking for it during the Gold Rush of the 1800's..They became an official city in 1886 naming it after George Vancouver, the city did burn down two months later and was rebuilt..(Who helped discover this area as well as Hawaii and part of Alaska)

Vancouver is known as the Hollywood of the North, only L.A. and New York film more movies in North America. (260 were filmed in 2008)...

I continued to read the Wikipedia, but there wasn't alot of things that I felt would really interest my audience, (also considering 25% of "My Audience" will be with me)

So how about a riot photo?

I'll be back to blogging much more often when I return to the states and internet.
Don't forget to click on an ad or two!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A few Pictures...

These are a few pictures I have picked up over the year of Internet browsing at Citizens Bank...Enjoy

Friday, June 17, 2011

The end of banking for me...

Well today was my last day at the bank! (If you didn’t know I've been serving as Sr. Vice-President at a local bank in Abilene for the past 3 years) And I am moving on to bigger and better things! I will be adding to the resume by working at FDLIC...I will be a "Staff Accountant" The prospect of this is exciting and scary! (I have a Finance degree, not Accounting)

I have loved my time at the bank, I have learned a little (I make dang good popcorn) and met some great people..But now it is time to move on!!! SEE YA LATER bank! HELLO ACCOUNTING!

I will try to work a blog or two in from my vacation next week in beautiful Vancouver Canada! Assuming I have time to, I plan to do a lot of rioting while I'm there!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kill the TV...

As Netflix grows in popularity, and Hulu seems to have fewer annoying commercials, the idea of paying a traditional cable or satellite bill has less and less appeal. I personally have now been without cable TV for 4 going on 5 months now (I know this sounds like an AA meeting, but it wasn't that bad). Personally, I haven't really missed it! One of the things I really don't miss is the $70.00 bill each month! (The Real House Wives of ______, aren't worth that)!

Since venturing into the land of fewer pixels, I have picked up a few ways of getting a fix (I'm on step 5 of 12) are a few:

The first is Netflix, it's awesome! You can pay 8.99 a month to watch unlimited content on your TV, computer, Wii, or iPhone (there are many more options, these are the ones I happen to use). They have sooo much great content, but I'll stay away from the movies since this is "Killing the TV.." and not "Killing your local Blockbuster".. I guess Red Box kinda did that one for me....I digress, Netflix TV library is ever growing, but a few of my personal favorites include: Californication, Mad Men, Spartacus, The Office, Studio 60 (great show, btw). There is such a wide selection, and you can start watching on one device and pick up later that day on another.
Netflix: A+

The World Wide Web:
The Web is huge, no one would have ever guessed that it would play the roles it does in our lives today, no not even you Mark Cuban and Al Gore. You can watch just about any show out there by simply tying in..." Dancing with the Stars Full Episode" now you may have to deal with Japanese subtitles, and this is no where as neat and simple as Netflix, but its FREE! There are also sites like Hulu out there that allow you to watch current shows at the price of watching a 30 second commercial by Ford. There are also similar sites by all the major TV networks...worth a look and once again they are FREE and current shows, both of which you can not get with Netflix...

The World Wide Web: B+

Yup, we all have them, so use them! There are some things that the above options just can't cover, like Live Sporting Events, but isn't it a lot cheaper, and maybe even more fun to take over some food or drinks, and take advantage of your dumb friend who is still paying those high bills.

Friends: B-

Options not mentioned:
The Pirate Bay or other download sites (A++ if you don't get caught, D- if you do)
Antenna..Picks up all the basic channels in HD for free (A+ its cheap and easy)
Just don't watch TV? Maybe, read a book? (NO GRADE)

52nd post.

Wordless Wednesday...

Cant misspell this one..
Get it grandma.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I would like to think of my self as a movie connoisseur, but there is one thing I do not do very often, and that is actually go to the movies. (Red Box all the way) Last night my lady friend and I went to the movies and saw Bridesmaids, yes, I know it has been out for a while and we are a bit behind the curve...

I actually really liked the movie, it was very vulgar at times, similar to a female version of "Knocked Up" or "The Hangover"...but all in all it was pretty funny! If you are not someone who is easily offended it’s a must see.
One of the best parts of the movie (and what made it worth reviewing and seeing) was every scene with Melissa McCarthy. This chick was hilarious! I looked her up on IMDB when I got home, and she has been in a lot of TV shows (Samantha Who?/Gilmore Girls/Mike & Molly) and a few movies, mostly serious roles (Charlie’s Angels & an uncredited role in Shooter) I really hope we begin to see more of her! (I made this same wish regarding Ashton Kutcher and now really regret it, Two & a Half Men really??)

I recommend this one, if nothing else it’s a new take on a sometimes over used genre. Give it a watch

IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 89/100
The Burroughs Index: 4/5

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

This was at a recent Rangers game..Pretty funny